Extractive Industry
GPC has achieved planning approval success for a range of extractive industry clients across Queensland. Approvals have been achieved for new and extensions to existing quarries, applications to change an approval and operational works.
Many of the projects have included a detailed review of the history of the establishment of the quarry and past approvals to establish historic use rights.
GPC has strong project management skills, expertise and understanding of the competing issues to manage the wide range of technical investigations involved in quarrying, such as mining engineering, air quality, acoustic engineering, ground water and stormwater, blasting and vibration, traffic, ecology and visual assessments.
Bli Bli Quarry
The Bli Bli Quarry eastern development area extension involved an 11 hectare expansion of the existing quarry pit to secure an additional twenty-one million tonnes of hard rock, providing an additional 42 years of resource to the Sunshine Coast.
The project required the loss of mature forest and habitat, but included innovative actions to address longevity of species in the area including a wetland/ stormwater management area, propagation of vines to support a local butterfly species, and particular care in staging the development to maximise replanting of untouched areas and rehabilitation areas.
The successful engagement process ensured the stakeholders and community members were kept informed and involved throughout the project. The project resulted in a community embracing the extension and only one objection lodged during public notification. The project was carefully navigated through the timing of State and local government elections.
The project resulted in a local government issuing a development permit within an eleven month period.
Assessing Authority
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
Various State Government Departments
Key Issues
> Ecology
> Visual impacts
> Stormwater management
> Community consultation
Tolmie Creek Quarry
The Tolmie Creek Quarry extension approval process included a 33 hectare extension to the existing quarry pit to secure an additional 10 years of basalt.
Tolmie Creek Quarry is located in a remote rural area. Due to the remote location of the quarry the background studies were able to effectively demonstrate management of air and noise impacts. The background studies also included:
the preparation of an effective stormwater management plan to manage water quality and to capture overland flow to utilise the water in the operations of the quarry;
rehabilitation plan to progressively rehabilitate the quarry pit; and
an Environmental Management Plan to manage and monitor air, noise, stormwater and other environmental impacts. The project resulted in a local government issuing a development permit within a twelve month period.
Assessing Authority
Central Highlands Regional Council
State Government Departments
Key Issues
> Traffic and access to the State Government Road
> Stormwater management
> Land tenure